Allow Yourself to Bloom.

The Blooming Bodies are meant to be a reminder that a body is a vessel for our power. How we use our vessel to express and receive the magic of life has always been where our purpose begins.

Our physical bodies are merely the vessels that allow us to explore the world.  With our minds, desires, senses, fears, mistakes. Our curiosities help us experience these sensations as we grow and create a sense of self.

Life is more beautiful if we are kind to ourselves along the way. Life is ever changing. Whatever your journey may hold,  try to focus on things that make you feel a deeper connection to nature, to yourself. Focus on the parts of you that bloom from the inside. The magics around you that bind you to the Earth herself. Grounding you while you bloom, gently guiding you to remember and embrace your feminine power. Your goddess energy.


Why do I create?
What is the purpose of my art?

I create art that encourages healing of feminine energy. My art is rooted in the connection between feminine power and the power of nature.

The power of plants, herbalism, and a woman's goddess energy drive my work. Practices and rituals seeking to strengthen our connection to the power within have become an important part of my life and artistic style. I create to guide my own journey in hopes of inspiring powerful women and witches around me.

The meanings behind my Blooming Bodies act to softly awaken women to the daily choice of self-love. I create to encourage you to embrace yourself fully at each stage of life, allowing growth towards the version of yourself that exists in your most powerful and peaceful state of mind. To discover how deeply you and the Earth are connected.

In outgrowing parts of myself that I created to please others, I was able to fill that space with my own purpose and power. In my practices of finding a softer, slower, more natural approach to life, I began to step fully into who I am. I started creating the Blooming Bodies.


As women, we have so much magic inside of us, lost and forgotten from a lifetime of being underestimated. Now is the time to step into your power, embrace yourself fully and find a deeper connection with nature and the world within you.

Embrace your power, your inner goddess, your divine feminine.

She has always been within you.

Remember your magic.